Sunday, 21 April 2013

Investment in New Amusement Park is presented in the Silver Coast - Bombarral

New investment in the Silver Coast Portugal - 54 million euros in a new amusement park

The council of Bombarral has scheduled for the 25th of April the signature of an agreement, between the council and a group of investors (John & Christopher Flynn), to launch of the investment of 54 million euros in an amusement park to be located in the area of Falcao in that council.

The Sky Towers theme park will be located in a parcel of land with over 38 hectares of land and will create over 300 jobs promised for locals, and expectations preview around 500.000 visitors per year. The council will support the project with a new walk path from the center of Bombarral to the park as well as with special rental conditions of the land. The project is being financially supported by UK banks.

The investors have selected Bombarral due to the interest of the West Region of Portugal and its high touristic potential as well as the ideal location, being close to Lisbon and Porto.
For the equipments the investors are in negotiations with the company JE Silcock Amusements that has a major experience in amusement parks.

The park will be powered by eco-friendly energies.

Invitation from the council follows bellow and the presentation commences on the 25th of April 2013 at 4.30 pm in the Bombarral city hall building.

By Richard Gomes @ TOPcasas Silver Coast Estate Agents - - sourced from different local and national newspapers.

Richard Gomes
Managing Director
+351 964 28 28 22

TOPcasas Silver Coast Estate Agents

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